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Becoming a Committer

The Apache Devlake (Incubating) community follows the Apache Software Foundation's guidelines on accepting new committers.

First, we deeply value the contribution from our community, in the forms of writing code, answering questions, maintaining documentation, arranging events, among a plethora of others. New contributors will always be welcomed by the current members of DevLake community, helped with PR workflow, and directed to relevant documentation and communication channels.

Moving from a contributor to a committer, we expect you to be an active member of the community and committed to the project in the long run.

First of all, we would like to see a substantial amount of work from you, such as developing and maintaining an entire data plugin.

Besides code contribution, you also need to participate in the discussion via the dev mailing list, edit the documentation, work on the issue tracker, help answering questions in the community, attend community events, etc.

Once your contribution becomes influential in the community, you may be invited to become a committer (after the voting from current PPMC members) and will be provided with further guidance on the following process.