
Code Quality Issue Count

What is this metric?

This metric is a the total number of issues found in a project by SonarQube. It includes various types of issues such as bugs, vulnerabilities, code smells, and security hotspots. This metric is collected from SonarQube, check this doc for detailed definition.

Why is it important?

Issue provides information about potential problems or issues in the code. Issues can include bugs, vulnerabilities, and code smells, which can all affect the maintainability, reliability, and security of the codebase. By identifying and addressing issues, developers can improve the quality of their code and reduce technical debt. Additionally, tracking issues over time can help to identify trends and measure progress in improving code quality.

Which dashboard(s) does it exist in?

How is it calculated?

This metric is calculated by counting the total number of cq_issues.

Data Sources Required

This metric relies on issues collected from SonarQube.

Data Transformation Required


SQL Queries

The following SQL shows how to find issues in specific projects, eg. 'project1' and 'project2'.

  1. To get the issue count of 'BUG', please add the condition type = BUG
count(*) as 'Bugs'
FROM cq_issues
and project_key in ('project1', 'project2')
and `type` = 'BUG'
ORDER BY created_date
  1. To get the issue count of 'VULNERABILITY', please add the condition type = VULNERABILITY
count(*) as 'Vulnerabilities'
FROM cq_issues
and project_key in ('project1', 'project2')
and `type` = 'VULNERABILITY'
ORDER BY created_date
  1. To get the issue count of 'HOTSPOTS', please add the condition type = HOTSPOTS
COUNT(IF(status = 'TO_REVIEW', 1, NULL)) AS 'Security Hotspots'
FROM cq_issues
and project_key in ('project1', 'project2')
and `type` = 'HOTSPOTS'
ORDER BY created_date
CONCAT(ROUND(COUNT(IF(status != 'TO_REVIEW', 1, NULL)) / COUNT(*) * 100, 2), '%') AS 'Reviewed'
FROM cq_issues
and project_key in ('project1', 'project2')
and `type` = 'HOTSPOTS'
ORDER BY created_date
  1. To get the issue count of 'CODE_SMELL', please add the condition type = CODE_SMELL
COUNT(if(type = 'CODE_SMELL', 1, null)) as 'Code Smells'
FROM cq_issues
and project_key in ('project1', 'project2')