
Commit Count

What is this metric?

The number of commits created.

Why is it important?

  1. Identify potential bottlenecks that may affect output
  2. Encourage R&D practices of small step submissions and develop excellent coding habits

Which dashboard(s) does it exist in

  • GitHub Release Quality and Contribution Analysis
  • Demo-Is this month more productive than last?
  • Demo-Commit Count by Author

How is it calculated?

This metric is calculated by counting the number of commits in the given data range.

Data Sources Required

This metric relies on commits collected from GitHub, GitLab or BitBucket.

Data Transformation Required


SQL Queries

The following SQL shows how to find commits in specific repositories, eg. 'repo-1' and 'repo-2'.

commits c
LEFT JOIN repo_commits rc ON c.sha = rc.commit_sha
LEFT JOIN repos r ON r.id = rc.repo_id
-- please replace the repo ids with your own, or create a '$repo_id' variable in Grafana
r.id in ('repo-1','repo-2')
and message not like '%Merge%'
and $__timeFilter(c.authored_date)
-- the following condition will remove the month with incomplete data
and c.authored_date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD($__timeFrom(), INTERVAL -DAY($__timeFrom())+1 DAY), INTERVAL +1 MONTH)

If you want to measure the monthly trend of commit count in the screenshot below, please run the following SQL in Grafana.

with _commits as(
DATE_ADD(date(c.authored_date), INTERVAL -DAY(date(c.authored_date))+1 DAY) as time,
count(c.sha) as commit_count
commits c
LEFT JOIN repo_commits rc ON c.sha = rc.commit_sha
LEFT JOIN repos r ON r.id = rc.repo_id
-- please replace the repo ids with your own, or create a '$repo_id' variable in Grafana
r.id in ($repo_id)
and message not like '%Merge%'
and $__timeFilter(c.authored_date)
-- the following condition will remove the month with incomplete data
and c.authored_date >= DATE_ADD(DATE_ADD($__timeFrom(), INTERVAL -DAY($__timeFrom())+1 DAY), INTERVAL +1 MONTH)
group by 1

date_format(time,'%M %Y') as month,
commit_count as "Commit Count"
FROM _commits

How to improve?

  1. Identify the main reasons for the unusual number of commits and the possible impact on the number of commits through comparison
  2. Evaluate whether the number of commits is reasonable in conjunction with more microscopic workload metrics (e.g. lines of code/code equivalents)