


The Dal (Data Access Layer) is designed to decouple the hard dependency on gorm in v0.12. The advantages of introducing this isolation are:

  • Unit Test: Mocking an Interface is easier and more reliable than Patching a Pointer.
  • Clean Code: DBS operations are more consistence than using gorm directly.
  • Replaceable: It would be easier to replace gorm in the future if needed.

The Dal Interface

type Dal interface {
AutoMigrate(entity interface{}, clauses ...Clause) error
Exec(query string, params ...interface{}) error
RawCursor(query string, params ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error)
Cursor(clauses ...Clause) (*sql.Rows, error)
Fetch(cursor *sql.Rows, dst interface{}) error
All(dst interface{}, clauses ...Clause) error
First(dst interface{}, clauses ...Clause) error
Count(clauses ...Clause) (int64, error)
Pluck(column string, dest interface{}, clauses ...Clause) error
Create(entity interface{}, clauses ...Clause) error
Update(entity interface{}, clauses ...Clause) error
CreateOrUpdate(entity interface{}, clauses ...Clause) error
CreateIfNotExist(entity interface{}, clauses ...Clause) error
Delete(entity interface{}, clauses ...Clause) error
AllTables() ([]string, error)

How to use


// Get a database cursor
user := &models.User{}
cursor, err := db.Cursor(
dal.Where("department = ?", "R&D"),
dal.Orderby("id DESC"),
if err != nil {
return err
for cursor.Next() {
err = dal.Fetch(cursor, user) // fetch one record at a time

// Get a database cursor by raw sql query
cursor, err := db.Raw("SELECT * FROM users")

// USE WITH CAUTIOUS: loading a big table at once is slow and dangerous
// Load all records from database at once.
users := make([]models.Users, 0)
err := db.All(&users, dal.Where("department = ?", "R&D"))

// Load a column as Scalar or Slice
var email string
err := db.Pluck("email", &username, dal.Where("id = ?", 1))
var emails []string
err := db.Pluck("email", &emails)

// Execute query
err := db.Exec("UPDATE users SET department = ? WHERE department = ?", "Research & Development", "R&D")


err := db.Create(&models.User{
Email: "hello@example.com", // assuming this the Primarykey
Name: "hello",
Department: "R&D",


err := db.Create(&models.User{
Email: "hello@example.com", // assuming this the Primarykey
Name: "hello",
Department: "R&D",

Insert or Update

err := db.CreateOrUpdate(&models.User{
Email: "hello@example.com", // assuming this is the Primarykey
Name: "hello",
Department: "R&D",

Insert if record(by PrimaryKey) didn't exist

err := db.CreateIfNotExist(&models.User{
Email: "hello@example.com", // assuming this is the Primarykey
Name: "hello",
Department: "R&D",


err := db.CreateIfNotExist(&models.User{
Email: "hello@example.com", // assuming this is the Primary key

DDL and others

// Returns all table names
allTables, err := db.AllTables()

// Automigrate: create/add missing table/columns
// Note: it won't delete any existing columns, nor does it update the column definition
err := db.AutoMigrate(&models.User{})

How to do Unit Test

First, run the command make mock to generate the Mocking Stubs, the generated source files should appear in mocks folder.

├── ApiResourceHandler.go
├── AsyncResponseHandler.go
├── BasicRes.go
├── CloseablePluginTask.go
├── ConfigGetter.go
├── Dal.go
├── DataConvertHandler.go
├── ExecContext.go
├── InjectConfigGetter.go
├── InjectLogger.go
├── Iterator.go
├── Logger.go
├── Migratable.go
├── PluginApi.go
├── PluginBlueprintV100.go
├── PluginInit.go
├── PluginMeta.go
├── PluginTask.go
├── RateLimitedApiClient.go
├── SubTaskContext.go
├── SubTaskEntryPoint.go
├── SubTask.go
└── TaskContext.go

With these Mocking stubs, you may start writing your TestCases using the mocks.Dal.

import "github.com/apache/incubator-devlake/mocks"

func TestCreateUser(t *testing.T) {
mockDal := new(mocks.Dal)
mockDal.On("Create", mock.Anything, mock.Anything).Return(nil).Once()
userService := &services.UserService{
Dal: mockDal,
"email": "helle@example.com",
"name": "hello",
"department": "R&D",